Barack Obama: "I continue to believe that we need to close Guantanamo"
No he doesn't. He said before his first election that it would be closed within weeks. The procedure of holding people indefinitely in jails without charge is a crime in itself - it is the practice of the worst totalitarian regimes that have existed. And I am not a wet liberal.
No he doesn't. He said before his first election that it would be closed within weeks. The procedure of holding people indefinitely in jails without charge is a crime in itself - it is the practice of the worst totalitarian regimes that have existed. And I am not a wet liberal.
Posted by: Victor Southern | May 01, 2013 at 09:52 AM
Just do it.
Posted by: It doesn't add up... | May 01, 2013 at 10:04 AM
"to whome it may concerne"
-1- "this is my , order nobody soleve that problem right now ?" -23-
-2- "this is forward , keep our this is , the white house law?" -32-
-3- "dear leaders obama , listen don,t involve in to god , work?"-48-
-4- "unlass you, are rady to go , to the school, ? thank you, god"
Posted by: towdros wodajo | May 22, 2013 at 10:37 PM