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6 posts categorized "Tim Loughton MP"

May 20, 2013

"It's not about wrecking the Bill" – Tim Loughton defends his amendment to the gay marriage bill

March 09, 2012

Tim Loughton MP explains why he's making it easier for prospective parents to adopt children of a different race

December 22, 2011

Tim Loughton: "We are trying to overhaul the whole way adoption happens in this country"

October 31, 2011

Tim Loughton MP: "There is too much delay in the courts, too much bureaucracy" in the adoption process

May 01, 2011

Tim Loughton MP gets "gunged" for charity

Thanks to Tim Gatt.

February 03, 2009

Shadow Children's Minister Tim Loughton on the shortage of social workers in children's services departments


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