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4 posts categorized "Rory Stewart MP"

July 25, 2011

Rory Stewart: Afghanistan is not a threat to us. The Taliban could not take control of Afghanistan. Even if they could, they would not invite back Al Qaeda. Anyhow, Al Qaeda bases could be destroyed if they re-established.

In this talk for TED the Tory MP Rory Stewart attacks all of the arguments for staying in Afghanistan. It's time to end the war, he says.

November 29, 2010

Rory Stewart dances to Lady Gaga with one hundred Santas

Hat tip to Sky News. Video taken by Sam England, Penrith.

July 26, 2010

Rory Stewart talks to Radio 4 about his apology for describing parts of his constituency as "primitive"

May 31, 2010

Penrith's new MP, Rory Stewart, tells Sky News that "nation-building" must be a job for local communities in Afghanistan


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