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44 posts categorized "Ken Clarke MP"

June 10, 2013

Secret Ruler Of The World Ken Clarke Covers Up Bilderberg Conspiracy in Commons

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November 02, 2012

Ken Clarke claims that EU rebels' budget demands are "completely impractical and cannot be achieved"

He added that the Eurosceptics of 1992, who rebelled over the Maastricht Treaty, "should die of shame of the warnings they gave". Mr Clarke did concede, however, that Wednesday's vote would "toughen up" Mr Cameron's position at the negotiating table.

October 27, 2012

Ken Clarke reacts with laughter upon being told George Osborne promised to recognise marriage in the tax system

September 04, 2012

Ken Clarke: "At my age" you have to step back from heavy departmental roles - or you find you can't handle them

April 22, 2012

Ken Clarke claims "remarkable" progress in speeding up ECHR procedures and ensuring trivial cases are dismissed

The Justice Secretary discussed...

  • the Bahrain Grand Prix - explaining that sports events are often held in countries with questionable human rights records...
  • from five minutes into the video, the ECHR...
  • at six-and-a-half minutes he says Cabinet is united in support for what he is doing on the ECHR...
  • at seven-and-a-half minutes he says ECHR chief was misreported when he said reform hadn't been substantial...
  • at eleven minutes he said economy would continue to be difficult but UK is doing "remarkably well" compared to other major economies...
  • at twelve-and-a-half minutes Ken Clarke stated that all three main party manifestos supported Lords reform and suggested some Conservative MPs might be opposing reform simply because it has come from the Coalition.

At the end of the interview the Justice Secretary joked that he saw himself as one of the Cabinet's "young rising stars"!

April 20, 2012

Ken Clarke claims reforms to ECHR will mean faster justice

The Justice Secretary also claims the Court will no longer hear so many trivial cases - cases that clog the system. BBC report.

March 14, 2012

Microphone pics up Ken Clarke and Speaker Bercow talking after PMQs

March 06, 2012

Ken Clarke pays tribute to Norman St John Stevas, "an intelligent, sensitive man - a very, very good minister"

October 14, 2011

Private Eye's 50th anniversary - David Cameron and Ken Clarke share their memories


September 16, 2011

Ken Clarke talks of "paralysis" in Washington and Europe with regards to the financial crisis



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