Conservative Home Video

9 posts categorized "Campaign ads"

September 07, 2012

Theresa May introduces Conservative candidates for the coming Police and Commissioner elections

May 03, 2010

British Muslims explain why they are voting Conservative

September 22, 2009

ToryBear's video message to Baroness Scotland: Just go

September 17, 2009

A compilation of ConHome's anti-Brown attack videos

Here is a compilation of ConHome's three anti-Brown attack videos from the last year:

February 16, 2009

Conservative Party's Honesty in Food Labelling campaign

January 12, 2009

Tories launch YouTube campaigns against Labour's debt burden

November 23, 2008

However Gordon Brown wraps it up, it's still a tax bombshell

This is what the Tory ad vans will be displaying as they tour Westminster and beyond.

April 24, 2007

Local Conservatives make their case

Party Political Broadcasts were once the preserve of national parties, the cost of production and (mainly legal) difficulties in distribution meant that they would never be a feature of local campaigns. New technology changes that, now local parties can make their own campaign commercial and distribute them on the Internet. Here are two examples, the first is from South Norfolk Conservatives:

The second is from Eastbourne Conservatives:

If you have a local campaign video please email it to us at [email protected]

April 01, 2007

Banish the Inner Tosser

Edgy Conservative Party campaign video, from, challenges people to ignore the desire to overspend on credit cards:


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