Dennis Kucinich discusses the Iraq war on CNN
Dennis Kucinich outlines his vision for America
Dennis Kucinich says ‘war should be removed as an instrument of policy’
Kucinich argues that each time congress funds the war, it re-authorizes the war.
Kucinich singing 'sixteen tons'
John Gibson questions Kucinich's Iraq policy
Kucinich says:'If we enforce labour laws, we can tackle illegal immigration'
Kucinich argues that he will cut defence spending and spend the savings on healthcare
Kucinich argues that the US must bring the troops home
Kucinich believes that we invaded Iraq because of her oil
'End the Occupation'
Dennis Kucinich discusses the Iraq war on CNN
Posted at 01:33 PM in Democrats, Dennis Kucinich, Iraq, Journalist commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)