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May 05, 2008


Harry Palmer

Why is that man considered funny? He gets paid to stand up and insult conservatives in a silly accent and that's called comedy?

Harry Palmer

Why is that man considered funny? He gets paid to stand up and insult conservatives in a silly accent and that's called comedy?


Bremner is often very good. His Michael Howard was brilliant as was his Blair. But Headcases is one of the most unfunny things I've seen for a while.

David Gold

Headcases got Boris spot on - I thought that was very witty (shame about the rest of the show!). Sadly on this occasion Bremner struggled to find any amusing material. He is usually so good.

James maskell

I thought Headcases was very funny. The Sarkozy/Jacqui Smith bit was very good. Liked the Al Fayed conspiracies.

Bird and Fortune were good when talking about nuclear power. Always good to show the lack of logic in policy.

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