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May 01, 2010


Ferial Ferret

The most UKIP are liable to achieve is to allow Liebor and the LimpDemocrats to gain seats.

Seem strange aims for a party that is supposed to be opposed to the EU?

13th spitfire

Yes indeed, why have principles at all ?


Hi, if the Conservatives had the balls to call a referendum you would gain more %age of the vote immediately. You would have a majority government and all would be well.

He who dares...

Jack Stone

All UKIP can achieve is help Gordon Brown stay in Downing Street nothing else. As for principals politics is about knowing when its right to compromise and I am afraid there is no justification in opposing the Conservative party when it as the most anti-EU platform it has ever had. Also I am afraid the party believes we should be part of the EU so why would it want to promise a referendum on something they believe benefits the country its nonsense as is the view that Europe decides elections. It doesn`t.

Ferial Ferret

A referendum was promised by Liebor but they did not deliver. I fear that the stable door has now been wrenched off its hinges.


"Vote UKIP to punish the Tories" as my lifelong former Consevative voting father said this afternoon. Good advice if you ask me.

Ultimo Tiger

So your Dad thinks he's Enoch Powell?

You know, "Vote Labour to punish them" and such.

Still, I suppose Harold was better than Edward.

I like UKIP. One day when they come back to us I'll like them even more.

You know it's going to happen.


"Also I am afraid the party believes we should be part of the EU so why would it want to promise a referendum on something they believe benefits the country"

In that case you cannot expect people who do not want the UK to remain in the EU to vote Conservative. Also don't complain when you are deprived of 50 seats on Thursday because UKIP gets 5% of the vote.


A hung parliament and PR is I suppose the way to go for UKIP, as I guess they would hope it would result in a 4 party system (as it basically does at European Elections) where there would be either a Liberal Democrat/Labour left leaning majority or Conservative/UKIP right leaning majority.


"I like UKIP. One day when they come back to us I'll like them even more.

You know it's going to happen."

Yes it will happen one day... after we get our referendum and the UK has been restored to a free democratic nation state ;)


As somebody who holds very strong reservations about Cameron and the Conservative Party, it is time for conservatives across the political spectrum to get behind him and make sure he gets into No. 10 with a comfortable working majority. The real threat in this election is the Lib-Dems, if they enter into coalition with Labour there will be no centre-right government in this country for decades to come (that's just too scary to contemplate). Enough of the b****cks, get behind Cameron, and get the Conservative Party back into power.

Jack Stone

I am afraid that if people don`t vote Conservative they will simply get everything they say there against regarding Europe.I am afraid you are fighting a losing fight regarding getting us out of Europe because people will not support that. The battle that needs to be fought is to prevent more powers being given away and to get powers that have been given away back. That is the realistic fight not what UKIP are fighting for because that is a fight that is as unlikely to be won as trying to bring back hanging.


Fact: Labour and the Lib-Dems are happy for more EU integration. Fact: the members of the Conservative party will not stand for a Tory government transferring any more power to Brussels. The public don't want it either. So there is no motive for the Conservatives to do so. So minimum position is Tory government gives a freeze in power transfer. Add in the promised new law and you get a lock too. Now add the stated desire to repatriate powers and you get a much better position than now.

The stress in the Eurozone now reminds me of some of the economic pressures in Yugoslavia before the civil war: a body held together for political reasons with economic and social disparities bubbling up to boiling point. 20% unemployment in Spain? Probable inability to implement austerity in Greece? Voter anger in the richer Eurozone countries about paying for bailouts? The Eurozone and a united Europe is a dream that will become a nightmare. Wait a few years and more countries will demand powers back. Euroscepticism will grow and our pragmatic approach will win


I don't get it? The Conservatives are probably 4% or 5% away from a majority government. They are seriously worried about proportional representation pushing the party into the abyss for ever... which looks very likely... we are talking very desperate times here.

If they believe remaining in the EU is best for Britain then they should be able to argue the case well. The party is ripped into two over Europe as no one really knows what the British people want.

Now, 5% of your core vote has drifted to UKIP

So.... CALL A BL**DY REFERENDUM !!!! Its called having conviction in your beliefs and would show they have balls (which at the moment I'm afraid to say they look weak, weak, weak!).

That would give them 4% or 5% more, a majority government and a clear view of where we, the people, want to be within the EU. Simples.

Steve Fowler

Not our problem in UKIP if the main parties won't tell us the truth on what is really happening to Britain and won't give us a say on our own future in this country.

You lot want to vote for parties that sell you and you country down the river then go ahead.

I won't be held to fear cause you lot won't put principals and the country before the Liblabcon.

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