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April 28, 2010




If I only Farage was the leader of the Conservatives.

I'm voting for Britain. I'm voting UKIP.


Liked it, but not this time Nigel. We have to get rid of the socialist scum first. Then work on Cameron or he's out.

True Blue Tory Boy

Better than Cameron's shoddy video last night.....

Frank McGarry

I wish this conservative UKIP broadcast had been the Conservative Party broadcast.

David Hollins

Farage is an idiot.


Great stuff and says what the 3 failed old parties don't or daren't say.

Nigel Farage - a real "Conservative"!!!!

Henry Mayhew

Go Nigel!


Got to say, it was good. They do talk sense.

Ricardos Ghost

Tax cuts galore, but nothing on how to pay for them - brilliant.

Pearson's bit was bizarre, with unexplained cutaways of him swanning about at home. Was it an appeal to Tories by reminding them subconsciously of the 80s?

Robert Zimmerman

Alas, no chance with the present voting system :-(

Go Nigel! Go Malcolm! Go UKIP!

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