Nick Clegg rallies his troops during a visit to Eastleigh
What a pathetic waste of oxygen the Clegglet is.
If the CONservatives can't beat the LibDems in Eastleigh, they haven't a chance in 2015. Judging by today's newspapers the CONs know that - with reports that BoJo doesn't want to be Cameron's assassin but takeover from a caretaker leader in 2017, AFTER a CONservative defeat in 2015.
"The Labour candidate in the crucial Eastleigh by-election said he wished Margaret Thatcher had been murdered in the IRA attack on Brighton’s Grand Hotel.
Left-winger John O’Farrell felt a ‘surge of excitement’ when he heard of the attempted assassination in 1984 and was ‘disappointed’ the terrorists failed."
What a pathetic waste of oxygen the Clegglet is.
If the CONservatives can't beat the LibDems in Eastleigh, they haven't a chance in 2015. Judging by today's newspapers the CONs know that - with reports that BoJo doesn't want to be Cameron's assassin but takeover from a caretaker leader in 2017, AFTER a CONservative defeat in 2015.
Posted by: boudicca | February 17, 2013 at 10:57 AM
"The Labour candidate in the crucial Eastleigh by-election said he wished Margaret Thatcher had been murdered in the IRA attack on Brighton’s Grand Hotel.
Left-winger John O’Farrell felt a ‘surge of excitement’ when he heard of the attempted assassination in 1984 and was ‘disappointed’ the terrorists failed."
See this morning's Mail on Sunday:
Posted by: JoeDM | February 17, 2013 at 11:44 AM