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What a Pratt this man is. We are the hosts. Syria is a member state of the Olympics, UN, Etc. Of course their officials can come. Else, do we ban people from China, Russia, Burma, North Korea or any state we dislike or is currently 'out of fashion'.
Posted by: Frankland Macdonald Wood | May 27, 2012 at 12:28 PM
I listened to this but although Clegg said "if you abuse human rights you are not welcome here" he didn`t say how he would stop somebody coming with an Olympic team
I wonder, apart from Syria, how many other countries sending teams have abused human rights? Russia, for example?
Posted by: Edward Huxley | May 27, 2012 at 12:29 PM
I would doubt that we are in a position to determine who is guilty of abusing human rights and who hasn't. In any event, one doesn't really have much of an appreciation that the UN, FIFA or the Olympic authority cares terribly much about such inconvenient matters (evidenced by the way Ghadaffi was given some important role within the UN) so I think this is just little boy Clegg sounding off again for want of a proper job to do.
Posted by: Elaine Turner | May 27, 2012 at 12:31 PM
Nick Clegg forces his liberal left wing opinions on the country although he is the Deputy Prime Minister and should govern and in the National Interest.
He also discussed the issue of Single Sex Marriage saying it was not in the Coalition Agreement but as a Liberal Democrat he was going ahead with it anyway and would not allow his MPs a free vote.
Posted by: robert | May 27, 2012 at 12:51 PM
What about Britain abusing human rights? Our treatment in Iraq was not exactly pure. And our treatment of those
who rebelled against our empire in India and Kenya to name but two amounted to torture and murder. So before anyone criticises other states we should look in our own back yard at our own barbarity. The bread and circuses of the Jubilee weekend has a sinister, nasty side which conservatives desperately would prefer we do not remember even before we get to the Olympics
Posted by: Edward Milner | May 27, 2012 at 05:08 PM
But it's okay if you are from a regime we like, but which tortures and oppresses its people, while denying them many basic human rights - like Saudi and bahrain. Hypocrite.
Posted by: Dave Hollins MBA | May 28, 2012 at 12:29 AM
Clegg is a 1st Class 'pillock',if he wants to ban human rights abusers or torturous regimes,then their is no need to spend all this money on the Olympics,as their will only be around 6 countries who would pass muster.
I repeat "What a Pillock"!!!
Posted by: Alexander S | May 28, 2012 at 03:14 PM