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August 16, 2011



If you can't stand the heat, get out of the Greenhouse!

Super Blue

That brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "conviction politics".

BBC radio Nottingham, what a joke.

This interviewer is ridicules:
Interviewer: Despite what you think, I’m afraid I have to tell you it is a numbers game, they’re drafting in police from Linconshire, from south Yorkshire to boost the numbers. So it is a numbers game. Let’s move on.

That’s not interviewing!

Charles Grove

Yeah, because a few teens doing a prank is exactly the same as hordes rioting through the streets...

On that basis, I presume the interviewer accords with Tokyo Rose, after all, they're both broadcasters.

Winston Smith

Should read: "Nick Clegg lectured by HM Govt's unofficial opposition".

Richard Tom

That radio presenter sounds rude and idiotic. So desperate to rip into Clegg and so desperate to be the radio Paxman. Clegg's greenhouse fire didn't put lives at risk. Let's get some perspective.

Ultimo Tiger

Clegg was an idiot to do that.

But are people honestly comparing that to burning down entire businesses and homes?


How does burning a collection of cactus compare to stealing a bottle of water?

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