Simon Hughes welcomes Alan Milburn's agreement to advise Coalition on social mobility
Now it makes sense. A little coup for Simon Hughes to crow about that is of no consequence. The toys are safely back in the pram until the next tantrum.
I noticed that Hughes said that the Lib Dems will be fighting Tory seats at the next election - looks to me as though the Lib Dems cannot help themselves and should not be trusted.
If Simon Hughes welcomes the appointment of Alan Milburn then this must be bad news for the Conservative Party.
Why doesn't Hughes do something himself to promote the Coalition Government rather than being the enemy within.
The recruitment of Alan Milburn seems particularly inspired.
Firstly, he initiated the report and evidently has a great deal of knowledge to impart (never mind his leanings).
Secondly, the Tories can claim that by taking his views on board (note: he will not be a decision-maker), they are 'progressive' and determined to make the lives the the 'common people' better.
Now it makes sense. A little coup for Simon Hughes to crow about that is of no consequence. The toys are safely back in the pram until the next tantrum.
Posted by: It doesn't add up... | August 15, 2010 at 04:55 PM
I noticed that Hughes said that the Lib Dems will be fighting Tory seats at the next election - looks to me as though the Lib Dems cannot help themselves and should not be trusted.
Posted by: Malcolm Butt | August 15, 2010 at 04:57 PM
If Simon Hughes welcomes the appointment of Alan Milburn then this must be bad news for the Conservative Party.
Why doesn't Hughes do something himself to promote the Coalition Government rather than being the enemy within.
Posted by: robert | August 15, 2010 at 05:27 PM
The recruitment of Alan Milburn seems particularly inspired.
Firstly, he initiated the report and evidently has a great deal of knowledge to impart (never mind his leanings).
Secondly, the Tories can claim that by taking his views on board (note: he will not be a decision-maker), they are 'progressive' and determined to make the lives the the 'common people' better.
Thirdly, Labour is livid. I love that!
Posted by: FaustiesBlog | August 15, 2010 at 06:49 PM
Leeting the Millbug in says all about this Coalition. I nealy typed Copulation.
Presumably social mobility downwras is the aim now. It wont be upwards with a socialist on board.
Posted by: Vincit veritas | August 15, 2010 at 07:11 PM
Simon Hughes is a left wing pillock.
Posted by: Kevin | August 17, 2010 at 03:25 PM