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May 24, 2010


anne allan

I caught part of her interview on Women's Hour this morning. Even on such an easy slot, she showed herself up as a brainless speak your weight machine. Her tactic when faced with the inevitable question about her son's private education was to huff on about a totally different topic. Did she really think it would not arise and therefore hadn't prepared for it? Especially on a women's programme where anything to do with family matters would be of prime importance. If she's the best female candidate that Labour can produce, even the Millipedes can sleep safe o'nights.

David Day.

The issue about the education of her son is irrelevent in the same way the private education of David Cameron is irrelevent.
I admire her because she put the interests of her on first.. I suspect that ninety eight per cent of parents given her choices would have done the same.


Who in their right mind would vote for this women?

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