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July 14, 2012


Malcolm Dunn

G4S should hang its head in shame. Every penny paid for extra security provided by the Army should be paid for by G4S. If many of the stories are true this company is just a shambles. I doubt it will recover its reputation any time soon, if I were a shareholder I'd sell.

Public Sector Worker

Disagree, in my opinion this is not G4S' fault (even though I'd like to say it is) - this is down to the Olympic organisers.


Arguably their reputation barely matters. Crapita have had a terrible reputation since almost day one, but they consistently secure Govt contracts in part because there is so little competition from other organisations who can pass the basic threshold criteria of "experience" (whether the experience was good or bad hardly matters).

Bob from Security in Luton

I think it is G4S fault, as they had plenty of time from when they took the contract out to get the correct amount of security trained up for this event, they really have failed in my eyes.

Contract Recruitment

G4S has apologized already for what happened and I think they should just make it better next time and prevent it from happening again.

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