« Unite's Tony Woodley announces that the strike by BA cabin crew will be going ahead | Main | Sir Ian Kennedy explains the principles behind the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority's overhaul of MPs' expenses »

March 19, 2010


Martin Day

Same Old Labour Party - Same Old Militant Unions!

Martin Day

Same Old Labour Party - Same Old Militant Trade Unions!


I spoke to our refuse collecters today and they are certainly not voting for Gordon. His stock is so low that he can't even bribe his natural electorate to vote for him.

Well timed strikers.

Super Blue

This is 1978-9 repeating itself, with the same result.

Ultimo Tiger

Isn't Network Rail state owned?

Maybe we should fire everyone who goes on strike since the Taxpayer hasn't given them permission to do so.

Oh I'm evil aren't I?

Super Blue

Crow? Woodley? Whelan? Half the cast of Jurassic Park is on the loose.

Mr Angry

Thanks Bob!

Love from the Tories


Crow and Wooley, scouser and cockney, are turn-offs for neutrals. The unions need to hire a user-friendly, classless, articulate spokesman/woman to put their case.


If Bob Crow had deliberately timed this to hurt Labour in the general election he could not have done a better job.

Shane Haines

I can't wait for the day that we can all expect the high wages/ holiday and travel perks the people get for the small amout of work they do on a daily basis.

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