- Age of Terror
September 11, 2011
Britain remembers 9/11 attacks on the 10th anniversary
March 27, 2011
Is Libya more morally justified than Iraq?
A five minute home-made video teases out the arguments, ridiculing the anti-Bush, pro-Obama Left.
March 08, 2011
Close up filming of burning World Trade Towers released for first time
The footage comes from a New York Police helicopter. The footage was released after Freedom of Information requests.
January 22, 2011
Tony Blair is heckled at the Chilcot Inquiry as he says he "profoundly regrets" the loss of lives in Iraq
At the Chilcot Inquiry Tony Blair warns the West that it must abandon its "wretched posture of apology" towards Islamic extremism
December 07, 2010
During a pre-Christmas visit to Afghanistan, David Cameron hints that troops could start returning home next year
November 20, 2010
Nato leaders agree to pull most foreign troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014
September 11, 2010
Presdient Obama says Americans will not give in to hatred and prejudice in his 9/11 anniversary address
The world marks the 9th anniversary of 9/11
September 02, 2010
Hillary Clinton opens the new talks between Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas
September 01, 2010
President Obama declares the US combat mission in Iraq to be over
August 20, 2010
Hillary Clinton announces that Middle East peace talks will resume next month
August 07, 2010
President Zardari blames the media for stoking up the row over David Cameron's comments about Pakistan "exporting terror"
July 30, 2010
Lord Prescott tells the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War he was nervous about the limited nature of the intelligence on Iraq's weapons
July 29, 2010
David Cameron defends his comments about Pakistan's record on "exporting terror"
July 21, 2010
Former MI5 chief, Baroness Manningham-Buller, tells the Iraq Inquiry that the 2003 invasion significantly increased the terror threat in the UK
July 14, 2010
David Cameron condemns the "appalling" killing of three British troops by a rogue Afghan soldier
July 07, 2010
Liam Fox tells MPs British Forces are to leave Sangin
July 03, 2010
Chilcot Inquiry hears that Tony Blair was waned about long-term damage to the armed forces unless Britain cut troop number in Iraq
June 30, 2010
Sky News reports on the reopening of the Chilcot Inquiry after a break for the general election
June 25, 2010
David Cameron tells Adam Boulton he wants British troops out of Afghanistan within five years
June 03, 2010
Israel's PM Netanyahu defends action against flotilla
June 02, 2010
Israel begins deporting activists detained after the raid on the flotilla heading for Gaza
June 01, 2010
UN Security Council condemns the deaths on the aid flotilla bound for Gaza
The statement is read by Ambassador Claude Heller of Mexico, President of the UN Security Council
William Hague calls for an independent inquiry into the Israeli interception of the Gaza Flotilla
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